James Kirchner

Job title: 
Professor Emeritus
Note to prospective students and postdocs: as of January 2011, I have officially retired from Berkeley.  Although I will keep some links with the campus, I am not seeking further students / postdocs there.
As of Summer 2007, I am the director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research (WSL), and Professor of the Physics of Environmental Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.

My training is in physics and systems analysis, and I work at the interface between Earth science and environmental science. My current research spans the fields of geomorphology, hydrology, environmental geochemistry, evolutionary ecology, and paleobiology. Much of my research involves a combination of field work, laboratory measurements, and mathematical modeling.

I also serve as the director of the Berkeley's Central Sierra Field Research Stations, comprising:
Sagehen Creek Field Station ( http://research.chance.berkeley.edu/sagehen/ )
Central Sierra Snow Laboratory ( http://research.chance.berkeley.edu/cssl/ )
Chickering American River Reserve ( http://http://nrs.ucop.edu/reserves/chickering.html )
North Fork Reserve ( http://nrs.ucop.edu/reserves/northfork.html )
Onion Creek Experimental Forest

Research interests: 

Watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry, Environmental geochemistry, Geomorphology , Evolutionary ecology, Paleobiology, Analysis of environmental data.