Roland Bürgmann

Job title: 
I am a professor at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science and the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory. I head the Active Tectonics group at UC Berkeley.
Research interests: 

Active tectonics and crustal rheology. Using the Global Positioning System and Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry to measure crustal deformation near active faults, volcanoes and landslides. Models of crustal deformation through the earthquake cycle along major fault zones. Utilizing such measurements and models to better understand the rheology and deformation mechanisms in the Earth's lithosphere. 
Recent research projects focus on the active earthquake cycle and post-earthquake deformation in California and along the Denali fault, Alaska; studies of deformation associated with the subduction zone earthquakes and the distribution of asperities along subduction zones in Japan, Chile and Sumatra; and integration of GPS, InSAR and identically repeating micro-earthquake data towards an improved understanding of interseismic deformation and active faults in the San Francisco Bay area that slip both in seismic events and by aseismic creep.

Link to the Active Tectonics research group page at for more information on research projects, publications and courses taught.



(510) 375-6405
Office Room Number: 389 McCone Hall