Faculty Directory
Richard Allen
Regional seismic structure and dynamics, mantle upwelling processes. Earthquake rupture mechanisms. Seismic hazard mitigation including earthquake early warning systems.Read more about Richard Allen
Walter Alvarez
Stratigraphy and Earth history, tectonics and structural geology, stratigraphy of pelagic limestones.
Please note that Prof. Álvarez is active in research, but not in teaching, and does not accept new graduate students.Read more about Walter Alvarez
Jill F. Banfield
I am a Professor in the Departments of Earth and Planetary Science and Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (see contact information below). I also have an appointment in the geochemistry group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. My primary research interests are in...Read more about Jill F. Banfield
James Bishop
Degrees: B.Sc. (hon) Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, University of British Columbia; Sc.D. in Marine Chemistry, MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography.
Path to Berkeley: Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory and NASA...Read more about James Bishop
Kristie A. Boering
The coupling of atmospheric chemistry and climate on Earth and other planets on time scales ranging from months to billions of years is studied through observations from aircraft and ground-based platforms, 2D and 3D computer simulations, and laboratory experiments. Of particular interest are...Read more about Kristie A. Boering
William Boos
My group’s research focuses on large-scale climate dynamics—we work to understand how atmospheric circulations, ocean interactions, radiative transfer, and land surface processes control regional and global climate. Some of our research centers on monsoons, which are continental-scale
...Read more about William BoosBruce Buffett
Dynamics and evolution of planetary interiors, including mantle convection, plate tectonics, and planetary dynamos. Physical modeling of gas hydrates and consequences for climate change.Read more about Bruce Buffett
Roland Bürgmann
Eugene Chiang
B.S. (Physics), 1995, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D. (Astronomy), 2000, California Institute of TechnologyRead more about Eugene Chiang
Ronald Cohen
Cohen's research combines satellite, in situ and laboratory observations of nitrogen oxides aimed at understanding the role chemical reactions have in Earth’s climate, in producing unhealthy levels of ozone and fine particles and in the exchange of nitrogen oxides with ecosystems. Cohen...Read more about Ronald Cohen
William Collins
Please visit my homepage at: https://eesa.lbl.gov/profiles/william-collins/
EPS 230 will be offered in Fall 2019.Read more about William Collins
Kurt Cuffey
Donald DePaolo
Don DePaolo has been teaching and conducting research at University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 1988. He is the Director of the Center for Isotope Geochemistry, a joint-...Read more about Donald DePaolo
Madison Douglas
My research focuses on the physical, chemical, and biological processes that have shaped the surface of Earth throughout our planet's history, forming the landscapes we know and love today. Predicting natural hazards such as flooding and debris flows...Read more about Madison Douglas
Douglas Dreger
Use of waveform data to investigate seismic source, wave propagation, and Earth structure problems including geophysical inverse problems.Read more about Douglas Dreger
Bethanie Edwards
By pairing integrated meta-omics with microbial and chemical oceanography, the Edwards lab explores microbial interactions, metabolic processes, and chemical turnover rates in the lab and at sea. We are particularly interested in carbon export, the Biological Carbon Pump, and the impact of...Read more about Bethanie Edwards
Inez Fung
S.B. in Applied Mathematics (1971), ScD Meteorology (1977), MIT.Read more about Inez Fung
Benjamin Gilbert
Dr. Gilbert has made important contributions to the rapidly evolving field of nanogeoscience – the study of the properties and geochemical interactions of natural nanoscale minerals. Much of his research involves the development and application of synchrotron x-ray experiments and analysis...Read more about Benjamin Gilbert
Matthew Gleeson
Volcanology and Igneous Petrology. Use of computational and analytical methods to study magmatic systems, from the onset of melting in a heterogeneous mantle, through to eventual triggering of volcanic eruptions.Read more about Matthew Gleeson
Raymond Jeanloz
Raymond Jeanloz and his group study the nature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures. Much of their work is based on experiments with laser-heated diamond-anvil cells, and they also pursue shock-wave experiments and quantum...Read more about Raymond Jeanloz
Francis Macdonald
Francis Macdonald's research focuses on the interactions of tectonics, climate, and biological evolution through Earth history. This work begins with geological mapping, and uses stratigraphic analysis, isotope geochemistry, geochronology, paleomagnetism, and paleontology to reconstruct...Read more about Francis Macdonald
Michael Manga
Michael Manga studies the geological processes that shape Earth’s surface. This includes understanding the reasons why planets have volcanoes, why those volcanoes erupt in so many different ways, and how those volcanic eruptions affect climate and other...Read more about Michael Manga
Burkhard Militzer
Computer simulations of materials in interiors of the earth and giant planets, first-principle simulation techniques, equation of state calculations.Read more about Burkhard Militzer
Steve Pride
Crusted seismology, poroelasticity, electrical properties of rocks, physics of brittle fractureRead more about Steve Pride
James Rector
Borehole seismology, Reservoir characterization, Seismic wave propagation in sedimentary basins, Multidimensional digital signal processing, Non-invasive imaging of materials.Read more about James Rector
Paul Renne
Applications of geochronology and paleomagnetism to various problems in the evolution of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.Read more about Paul Renne
Mark Richards
Mark Richards is a geophysicist who mainly studies the relationship between interior processes in the Earth and
surface manifestations such as plate tectonics, volcanism, and the rebound of continental land masses following
Ice Age deglaciation. His work has increased...Read more about Mark Richards
Barbara A. Romanowicz
Deep earth structure and dynamics using seismological tools. Earthquake processes and scaling laws. Real time estimation of earthquake parameters. Development of modern broadband seismic and geophysical observatories on land and in the oceans. Planetary seismology.Read more about Barbara A. Romanowicz
David Romps
Atmospheric dynamics, moist convection and turbulence, and the interaction of clouds with Earth's climate.Read more about David Romps
Stephen Self
Physical volcanology; field studies of products of large eruptions - flood basalts, calderas, and ignimbrites; environmental impact of volcanism. www.stephenself.comRead more about Stephen Self
David Shuster
Noble gas geochemistry, thermochronometry, and cosmogenic nuclide observations applied to problems involving alpine glacial erosion, chemical weathering, lunar impacts and magnetism, and thermal conditions of Martian meteorites; Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission and sample collection....Read more about David Shuster
Daniel Stolper
I’m a geochemist with interests in a variety of problems related to the rock record, microbiology, and biogeochemical cycles in the present and past. My approach to scientific problems is centered around linking experiments and physically based models to natural observations in an integrated...Read more about Daniel Stolper
Chi-Yuen Wang
Hydrogeology; interaction of water with earthquakes, active tectonics.Read more about Chi-Yuen Wang
Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Rudy Wenk joined the Department in 1967. His research is in crystallography, mineralogy, structural geology and rock deformation. Most recently (see research interests and publications), emphasis has been on understanding seismic anisotropy in the earth by investigating the development of...Read more about Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Penny Wieser
I am an igneous petrologist and volcanologist using erupted melts, crystals, gases and volcanic aerosols to understand volcanic systems. My research group at the moment are trying to find better ways to work out the depth of magma storage in volcanic systems, and to better understand the...Read more about Penny Wieser
Weiqiang Zhu
Weiqiang Zhu (Wei-Chiang)
My research focuses on understanding earthquake physics and statistics by applying cutting-edge artificial intelligence and scientific computing methods to gain new insights from large seismic datasets.
Machine Learning/Deep Learning for Geophysical...Read more about Weiqiang Zhu