Planetary Science

About Planetary Science

Planetary science encompasses the study of the physical and chemical nature of planetary bodies, both in the Solar System and in extrasolar systems. The formation of planets, the forces that sculpted their orbits, the processes that shaped their interiors, surfaces, and atmospheres, and the development of life all fall under its rubric. Understanding these complex phenomena requires knowledge of astronomy & astrophysics, earth science, meteorology, atmospheric science, space science, plasma physics, chemistry, and biology.

A Planetary Science major has been developed to study the remarkable interface between the two separate disciplines of Earth and Planetary Science and Astronomy. In EPS the student will receive more training in geology/geophysics/atmospheric sciences, while in astronomy, planetary science is studied via remote sensing (astronomy). The growing interest in this interdisciplinary field is illustrated by the activities of the Center for Integrative and Planetary Science (CIPS) (


Planetary Science Major Requirements

AP/IB Exam Scores & A-Level Course Equivalencies for EPS Majors

Earth and Planetary Science Majors: Course Offerings Schedule

Spring 2025 EPS Enrollment FAQs

Course Substitutions

If you want to take a course for your major that is not listed under the major requirements, please follow the process below for a course substitution:

  1. Approval from the faculty advisor, Prof. Militzer from the Course Approval Form or an email approval
  2. Upload the signed Course Approval Form or a PDF of the email approving the course substitution in the EPS Course Substitution Form
  3. The undergraduate major advisor will process your course substitution in your Academic Progress Report (APR)

Your Planetary Science Faculty Advisor

For more information about specific course and unit requirements please refer to the Planetary Science Major Requirements or Prof. Militzer, faculty advisor, at, 407 McCone Hall.

Spring 2025 Office Hours: Please email Prof. Militzer to schedule an appointment.

The Planetary Science minor is also offered in EPS. For more information on how to declare the minor, please see here.

For EPS undergraduate student services inquiries, please visit the Student Services Advising page.