Atmosphere, Oceans, and Climate
James Bishop. Chemical, physical, and biological controls on the cycles of carbon and related chemical species in the ocean; robotic instruments for ocean exploration.
Kristie Boering. Atmospheric chemistry and climate; field, laboratory, and modeling studies of the isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases; photochemical isotope effects.
Ronald Cohen. Atmospheric chemistry and its role in climate change; development of technologies for detection of atmospheric trace chemicals; in situ measurements from air and ground-based platforms.
William Collins. Global climate models; interactions of sunlight and heat with the Earth’s surface and atmosphere; applications of remote sensing to understand climate processes.
Kurt Cuffey. Glacier mechanics; paleoclimatology; environmental isotope geochemistry; river processes.
Inez Fung. Climate change; global carbon cycle; geophysical fluid dynamics and large-scale numerical modeling; remote sensing of the Earth.
David Romps. Theory, simulation, and observation of clouds and atmospheric dynamics to improve our understanding of Earth's climate.
Near-Surface Geochemistry and Geobiology
Jillian Banfield. Geomicrobiology, microbial ecology and evolution; nanoparticles in the environment.
James Bishop. Chemical, physical, and biological controls on the cycles of carbon and related chemical species in the ocean; robotic instruments for ocean exploration.
Donald DePaolo. Isotope geochemistry and geochronology; igneous petrogenesis; environmental geochemistry.
Inez Fung. Climate change; global carbon cycle; geophysical fluid dynamics and large-scale numerical modeling; remote sensing of the Earth.
Lynn Ingram. Paleoclimate reconstruction; paleooceanography; marine, estuarine, and lacustrine geochemistry; geoarchaeology.
Paul Renne. Geochronology; paleomagnetism; flood basalts; Earth-Moon impact chronology; Permian-Triassic boundary; hominid evolution; geologic time scale calibration.
Daniel Stolper. Biogeochemistry; Earth History; Geobiology; Global Climate Studies; Organic Geochemistry; Stable Isotope Geochemistry
David Shuster. Noble gas geochemistry, thermochronometry, and cosmogenic nuclide observations.
Richard Allen. Seismic imaging of deep Earth processes; crust and mantle interactions; kinematics and dynamics of fault rupture; earthquake initiation processes and warning systems.
Bruce Buffett. Dynamics of planetary interiors and generation of magnetic fields; physical modeling of gas hydrates and consequence for climate change.
Roland Bürgmann. Active tectonics, space geodesy and structural geology; observations and models of crustal deformation associated with active faults and volcanoes.
Douglas Dreger. Wave propagation; earthquake source physics; earthquake hazards; realtime seismology; nuclear monitoring.
Raymond Jeanloz. Mineral physics; ultra-high-pressure experimental geophysics; constitution and evolution of planets; Earth science and environmental policy; national and international security.
Michael Manga. Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics; planetary geodynamics; volcanology; hydrogeology.
Burkhard Militzer. Computer simulations of planetary interiors using first- principles simulation techniques at extreme pressure and temperature conditions.
Mark Richards. Mantle convection and large-scale mantle structure; dynamics of terrestrial planets; dynamics of global plate motions; regional crustal deformation and earthquake hazards.
Barbara Romanowicz. Global seismology; Earth’s deep structure and dynamics; waveform modeling and tomography; normal-mode theory.
Nicholas Swanson-Hysell. Earth history as revealed through the stratigraphic record; Using paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data to constrain ancient paleogeography and behavior of the geomagnetic field.
Chi-Yuen Wang. Tectonophysics; heat and fluid transport in the Earth; hydrological processes during earthquakes; hydrological processes on Mars; crustal deformation in active tectonics.
Hans-Rudolf Wenk. Mineralogy; mineral physics and structural geology; special interest in deformation and anisotropy development in the deep earth.
Planetary Science
Bruce Buffett. Dynamics of planetary interiors and generation of magnetic fields; physical modeling of gas hydrates and consequence for climate change.
Eugene Chiang. Theoretical astrophysics, emphasizing the origin of planetary systems; the dynamical evolution of circumstellar disks, including the Kuiper belt.
Imke de Pater. Radio and infrared observations of the Solar System, including giant planet atmospheres and Jupiter’s magnetosphere.
William Dietrich. Hillslope and fluvial geomorphology; mechanics of sediment transport; hydrology.
Raymond Jeanloz. Mineral physics; ultra-high-pressure experimental geophysics; constitution and evolution of planets; Earth science and environmental policy; national and international security.
Michael Manga. Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics; planetary geodynamics; volcanology; hydrogeology.
Burkhard Militzer. Computer simulations of planetary interiors using first- principles simulation techniques at extreme pressure and temperature conditions.
Paul Renne. Geochronology; paleomagnetism; flood basalts; Earth-Moon impact chronology; Permian-Triassic boundary; hominid evolution; geologic time scale calibration.
David Shuster. Noble gas geochemistry, thermochronometry, and cosmogenic nuclide observations.
Petrology and Geochemistry
Penny Wieser Magma storage and eruptions, volatile element release from volcanoes, open-source python3 tools
Matthew Gleeson Thermodynamic modelling of volcanic systems, mantle heterogeneity, isotope geochemistry.
Paul Renne. Geochronology; paleomagnetism; flood basalts; Earth-Moon impact chronology; Permian-Triassic boundary; hominid evolution; geologic time scale calibration.